Nobody will probably care but I was going about my day and doing my daily pinterest scroll and found this cute tennis racket charm and clicked on the link when something hit me when I saw the familiar rainbow logo. I immediately remeber this small shop in my town, I believe it was called The Kiddie Shop, I think it was a clothing and toy shop. I loved going there after school some days after school and admiring the "charm it" cute charms and wanting one so bad. I eventually get a charm bracelet and only getting this exact jelly fish charm and absolutely loving it and wearing it every day to school and showing people and fidgeting with the beaded tendrils. Fast foward to today when I didn't hesitate to search and find this charm that I might buy again at not 16 years old.
Thank you for giving me a magical childhood Charm It,
Love Lillie
Hello Lillie! We care and love hearing about your CHARM IT! experience! Thank you for spreading the charm love! Sending a big hug and more magic from the Lil' Jelly charm!
My daughter loved the charm to add on with the rest of her charm bracelet

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