I ordered this necklace and a good handful of charms for it - I have to say, I am extremely impressed with the quality! The images do not do this necklace justice imo.
This purchase was for a memory charm necklace that I've hung on my rear-view mirror, to remember my daughter's childhood (who is now grown and out on her own - bittersweet!!). Now that I understand the quality of materials for both the necklace and charms, I'll be ordering my younger daughter charms as she grows and an additional memory charm necklace for myself once she is also grown and on her own!
Very impressed with the packaging as well - very well organized and orchestrated business, great work!!
Thank you for this shop - it is fantastic!! Keep going!!
Chain Necklace
Molto carini, vorrei solo sapere chi già li ha comprati se ha contatto con l’acqua si rovinano.
Ciao! CHARM IT! is costume jewelry and should not be exposed to water. Please see all of our Product Care tips here:

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